Bogdan Terzi: Personal brand is a must-have of the 21st century

A personal brand is an information field on the Internet, formed around a specific person. In other words, everything that tells Google about this person. 

«‎If your business is not on the Internet, you are not in business,» Bill Gates wrote in his book at the end of the 20th century. Today, this statement is true not only for companies, but it is true for people as well. If you are not online, only a narrow circle of friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and partners knows you. If you take care to fill the Internet with positive information about yourself, anyone from anywhere in the world can find out about you. And the main plus is that it is in our power to influence what information people will find about us and what impression this information will make on them.

A personal brand is a huge competitive advantage. It makes it possible to stand out from the crowd, attract attention and inspire confidence, and ultimately increase your income. The personal brand basis is PR articles on various news and profile resources; it is what a user will see on Google for a search query containing a first and last name. These articles form the person’s image, a reputation in the eyes of people. Their main goal is to present a person in the most favorable light.

Key to business and career success

A strong personal brand is an effective tool for self-realization. Everyone needs it: a top manager and a business coach, a doctor and a lawyer, a journalist and a stylist. The image of a professional and a high reputation created on the Web makes it possible to sell your services at a much higher price. A strong personal brand will help a specialist in any field to build a successful career, opening the doors of the most prestigious corporations for them. After all, an HR manager will certainly collect information about applicants on the Internet before the interview. And that specialist will have an advantage, whose merits and expertise will be painted in bright colors by Google.

For a businessman, a personal brand today is becoming an ideal tool in achieving the main goal of a business — increasing profits. Today, people want to buy from people — when choosing between a faceless company and a company with a personality behind them, the consumer will prefer the latter. The promoted business owner’s image strengthens the company’s brand — when a businessman is known and trusted, then the company is also trusted. By creating a positive information field about themself on the Internet, an entrepreneur greatly increases the chances of reaching a leadership position in their industry. Attracting the best specialists in the market to the company, finding investors and partners faster are just some of the benefits that a strong personal brand gives a businessman.

For a politician, a personal brand is the foundation of a successful political career. Publications about them in the top Google solve the main tasks — they bring recognition and help win the voters’ trust. Having developed a personal brand, it is much easier to convey your programs and goals to the widest possible audience, and, ultimately, to receive the support of the majority. A strong personal brand is also protected from attacks by opponents: it becomes difficult for negative articles about politics to break into the top search engine results.

Amillidius is an expert in building a personal brand

More and more people in the world are aware of the need to build a personal brand on the Internet. Given that this is not an easy task that requires special knowledge, financial investments, and time, it is necessary to entrust it to professionals.

The team of the advertising company «‎Amillidius» has solved this problem many times for their clients. Of course, we always respect confidentiality. However, long-standing clients with whom the company has developed friendly relations are happy to share their experience of cooperation. One of those whom Amillidius helped to promote their personal brand was artist Konstantin Skoptsov, a creator of the unique «‎semantic realism» style. As a result of the personal brand promotion, the artist’s works have grown in price over the past two or three years, they have replenished the collections of European art connoisseurs, including representatives of the royal houses of Europe. In Amillidius, Anastasiia Bondarchuk’s personal brand was also created. Thanks to our advertising campaign, the model starred in a film with Hollywood actor Eric Roberts, worked with Chopard and other global brands. Photos of Anastasiia appeared on the covers of top fashion glossies: Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, and others. And the promotion of the personal brand of financial expert Dmitry Krupenko helped him win the trust of numerous clients. The information field created by Amillidius specialists on the Internet around the name of Dmitry, a lot of publications about him in the leading news media, became the best recommendation for the specialist.

Today, to develop a business, build a career, be in demand as a specialist, and to succeed in any field, it is necessary to create and promote a personal brand on the Internet. Fill the World Wide Web with positive information about yourself and make Google your ally to get closer to your cherished goal.


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