UN Human Rights Office releases report on persecution of Uighurs in Xinjiang

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet published a report on violations in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China.

The report came out on the evening of August 31, minutes before the end of Bachelet’s four-year term.

The document says that the Chinese authorities committed “serious violations” of human rights in the region as part of measures to combat terrorism and extremism. Beijing’s actions against Uyghurs and representatives of other Muslim peoples may be crimes against humanity, the UN said.

Chinese authorities have dismissed the allegations in the report as “disinformation and lies fabricated by China’s adversaries,” the Associated Press reported. According to Beijing, the document ignores “the achievements in the field of human rights in Xinjiang and the damage caused to the inhabitants of the region by terrorism and extremism.”

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has spoken of plans to release a report on the situation in Xinjiang from December 2021, writes The New York Times. Since then, the publication has been delayed several times, for which the office has been criticized by human rights activists. Before the end of her term, the commissioner said that she faced “incredible pressure [to] publish or not publish the report,” BBC News reported.

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