Vladislava Veber. New Age Psychologist

As the famous saying goes, a talented person is talented in everything. This can be said with certainty about Vladislava Veber.

Vladislava Veber is a successful lawyer with 13 years of experience and a statesman in Ukraine. However, since 2016, Vladislava has also become known to the public as a highly qualified psychologist, certified coach, parapsychologist, and bioenergy therapist, who continuously improves her knowledge in psychology and related disciplines, which allows her to provide very high-quality professional assistance to her clients. Thanks to Vladislava’s support and consultations, both personal and group, a lot of people gained self-confidence, set themselves ambitious but achievable goals, and very quickly managed to change their financial, social, and family situations.

Having successfully realized herself in these areas, Vladislava was not going to stop there but opened the international center for the development of the human personality “Evolution of Consciousness” in 2019. The specialist is always ready to help her clients, and the modern methods she uses make it possible to change people’s lives not in words, but in deeds.

In an effort to help people further, Vladislava became the author of the NEO Consciousness program, a step-by-step system that helps to move from theory to real transformation. At the same time, she did not cease to conduct webinars, master classes, seminars, and courses for human development.

In February, a war broke out in Vladislava’s native country. In this regard, she was forced to emigrate to Germany. But the desire to help people did not leave the expert even in such a difficult situation for her. Vladislava adapted to the new reality and began to provide psychological assistance to Ukrainians who were forced to leave their homeland and found themselves in a difficult situation in another country. Having learned to cope on her own, the psychologist began to conduct consultations and seminars on adapting to emigration.

Together with two German public organizations in Germany, Vladislava carries out his activities for the Ukrainian and German societies on the development of a person’s personality. She also conducts training for employees of German companies for personal growth and the growth of the company in its activities.

After all, she is driven by a noble motive “To be useful to people in the transitional period of our time!”

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