Polina Krupchak. Do not waste your time on things that have nothing to do with you

About myself

You could say I’m a drive girl. Everything I do in life is always done with passion and to the maximum. I try to avoid stress both at work and in relationships. Life and creativity should be in joy. But, sometimes I feel like a little girl who is interested in everything that happens around. I think it’s a wonderful feeling. In these moments, I am glad that I managed to keep a piece of childhood in me. After all, it is the children who are the most pure and sincere both in soul and heart. They say what they think and feel. They always know what they want, so for me the best state of mind and body is the state of harmony with oneself and with the world!

About children

Children are my happiness, my love and my endless continuation. All you need is just to love your children, treat them with respect, and always listen to the kid. I believe that the child should always be on an equal footing with the parents in communication. And, of course, we must instill in them certain knowledge and rules that exist in society from childhood. All I want for them is happiness. It doesn’t matter what profession they choose and who they become, the main thing is that they like it. Whatever they choose, I will support them.

About men and family

I don’t like infantile men, and I will never be with the man who, being in a relationship with me, will continue to investigate other women, even on a mental level. For me, this is a psychological betrayal and the young man’s unwillingness, in principle, to create the concept of “We”. There should be only He, She and God between them. Why, then, enter into a serious relationship at all, if interest in other women does not disappear? In my understanding, in a real relationship, the center of the Universe for a man is only one woman – and this is his beloved. He directs all his energy, love and attention only to her and does it sincerely and for real! For him, in principle, there are no other women, except for her! And it is certainly about reciprocity in this sense! Because a real strong friendly family based on trust, love and mutual understanding is the best thing that can happen to a person. But if we talk about the state and feelings in the family, then I realized a long time ago that my state and the mood of my loved ones depend only on me. We are all mirrors of each other, so what we touch next depends on our reaction. 

About life

Life is too short to not appreciate every moment of it. Don’t waste your time on things that have nothing to do with your life. It is best to spend measured years in gratitude, love and enjoyment. You need to look inside yourself, it is there that all power and answers to all questions are located. Just pick up your key to your heart and then there will be nothing to blame yourself for. I am 100% sure of this. Believe me, in life you don’t need to think that something depends on us, it’s better to just watch a movie recorded on tape a long time ago. The Akashic records cannot be rewritten; so don’t bother. We are all under the protection of the Higher Forces, we just often forget about it, trying to initiate something on our own, being sure that we know better and that in our opinion it is true, thereby preventing God from manifesting himself and choosing something for us which is really important. We must remember that we are not able to change anything, we just need to accept and trust the Universal Power. I’m sure it can’t hurt us.

About creativity

Be and not seem. To create, one must really want it. Therefore, self-realization in creativity is perhaps one of the most interesting activities.

My creativity is a part of my life, and I am happy that it is so! I do not stop creating, wherever I am, in any life situation.

About joy

In principle, everything in life makes me happy. I love life. I love everything that happens in our world. My creativity, communication with family and friends fill me with energy that I want to share with others. Life is such an amazing gift that wasting it on gloom and drama would be a huge mistake.

About beauty

The most important thing is feeling comfortable in your own body. You can try dozens of hairstyles and makeup, but none of it makes sense if you don’t love yourself. Loving yourself and accepting your uniqueness is the real beauty.

About criticism

I am always grateful for criticism. From friends, it is priceless, because these people want the best for me and try to convey to me what I may have missed. From enemies, it is often useful, as people spend their time and effort to analyze all my work and still notice something that, in their opinion, was unsuccessful. This is a huge job, and I always pay attention to such comments, because they are extremely straightforward, these people are not going to spare my feelings. Most likely they do not even know what valuable work they are doing.


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